AWS Config
AWS Config
At Anjana Cloud Services, we specialize in delivering advanced configuration management and compliance solutions using AWS Config. With professional experience in implementing and managing AWS Config, we have helped numerous organizations across various industries achieve enhanced visibility, control, and compliance of their AWS resources.
At Anjana Cloud Services, we specialize in delivering advanced configuration management and compliance solutions using AWS Config. With professional experience in implementing and managing AWS Config, we have helped numerous organizations across various industries achieve enhanced visibility, control, and compliance of their AWS resources.
AWS Certified Professionals
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AWS Config
We at Anjana Cloud Services, have a proven track record of successfully implementing AWS Config across various use cases, including Continuous monitoring, config rules, configuration history, configuration item relationships, change management and troubleshooting. Overall, AWS Config offers a powerful set of capabilities for managing and monitoring AWS resource configurations, ensuring compliance, and maintaining a secure and well-governed AWS environment.